Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome to the World, Little Blog


So this is the beginning of my blogging.  The first one ever.  I feel like I should take a photo of me here writing the very first little baby blog.  Will it grow up to throw plush toys at me and ask if it can have a new mommy?  Or will it whisper sweetly that I am, indeed, the smartest, prettiest mommy in my office/guest room?  Or will it give me a place to put all those random observations without posting 12 to 14 statuses on Facebook per day? Yes, it at least one of those.   So here's to the first!

I can't promise what you're going to get here except for a little bit of the real me on a daily basis.  I've been meaning to keep little letters to my daughter so that someday she'll know that I was a vibrant, thinking, messy, funny, dreaming, calorie-counting person beyond the snack fetcher and occasional emotional melt-downer with whom she is accustomed.  So we're going to keep to my usual quirky observations about the world around me.  Oh, and when I began the creation of this I was delighted to find that I can provide links from items I might mention to Amazon and if you then click and buy, I get commission.  Woot!  So I would be stupid not to link occasionally, so if you want to click, do so, but don't think I'm trying to sell you. If nothing else, you'll find my words to be genuine.

Okay, so I had some interesting thoughts about flip-flops at the beach today....first blog coming up.

Leslie V.

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